Monday, December 13, 2004


I dunno who's with me, but yesterday I gathered up my criminal law textbook and am now ready for a toasty roasty bonfire for it. I can't believe we had to buy this godawful Robinson textbook, and now that Bibas has made up his mind not to use this book next year, we're stuck with a massive crapload of Robinson's stupid essays. If I don't do a bonfire, I'm taking it over to a friend's house and feeding their kindling for them, and they'll be getting more use out of it than I ever did. I think I studied more out of the Dressler book than anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm in for the burn.

in his defense, at least he didn't require us to actually know any law on the exam. we're looking at a straight forward question w/ not a lot of ins and outs. you could basically walk into the library w/ only his powerpoints and spit them out in a massive 8 hour undertaking, never having really had to know, analyze or think about much law in a systematic way whatsoever.

i think that the mock trials were good at first for social and practical reasons, but that they ended up being useless. i found some of robinson's theoretical essays interesting, but b/c bibas was not remotely open to hearing student's talk about them in class they ended up being somewhat impractical to spend much time on. at the end of the day, the little substantive / systematic presentation of law that was available in the book was drilled out for an hour + in class. didn't have to do much but show up, worry about the final, and kill 8 hours of my life in a small cubby, skipping lunch and writing a book about straight forward issues.

a job for the mind? no. a sheer act of the will in my view.