Saturday, November 20, 2004

Curtains for Crim

Thank goodness no more reading for Crim!!! I hated that book with a passion, not to mention sweating through each class praying that I wouldn't get called on for the little trials.

I think many other people are similarly relieved, although some people thought it was just getting interesting what with the animosity b/t some people. In general, I think lively debates are highly entertaining, but I have to say that I don't think a certain someone was very nice in class yesterday when addressing Mr. Green. What she said was a bit unprofessional and rather nasty in my opinion, and I can only congratulate Mr. Green for keeping his cool and not stooping to her level. One thing for sure, Crim has not been very boring lately.

So who's going to the documentary-on-Bibas movie night? I guess he got another copy of his PBS special. I heard from someone that his first copy got eaten by a student's VCR during a small-section dinner party last year. I'm glad to know he's obtained a replacement since he's so proud of the whole case.


Anonymous said...

yeah, seriously... what was with that nastiness towards Mr. Green? he definitely handled the situation very well. i think everyone was with him in thinking, "what the hell?" the tension is really building between a lot of people. it's semi-hilarious, but also kind of disturbing to witness people's interactions in class. well, off to study.

Anonymous said...

I personally think (and I know a lot of people out there agree with me) that the thinks-she's-never-wrong psycho that made the comment to Mr. Green is a complete biatch. Maybe she needs to take a crash course in Professional Ethics and Conduct now. Personally attacking fellow students in class, no matter how much you may disagree with their opinion, is never okay and completely unprofessional and out of line. If you want to ream them save it for posting on blogs!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Mr. Green really had anything to worry about. He is the former UI President of the student body, young, happily married, and in a good law school.

She is just, well...disgusting.

Anonymous said...

while yes, a little out of line she may have been, at least she's fervent in her beliefs and was in his jury room. she didn't interrupt another classmate without any idea as to what he/she was speaking. I can understand being a little annoyed with what happened, but there were a few guilty parties over the last few days. not to mention, the fact that someone was president of someone's body, married, has no bearing on whether or not the other person should've interrupted him/her, nor does the fact that you happen to thing someone is "disgusting", which by the way, was an incredibly intelligent and informed insult. i really think there should be more personal attacks on this thing. its a really grown up way to act. enjoy your cozy little bubble. i'm sure its nice this time of year.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure it is necessary to call someone 'disgusting', especially when you do not know that person outside of class. But I suppose if I judged people based on what they say in class, or for the opinions they express in say, crim law, I would hate most of you. But if I have learned anything from law school thus far, I have learned that you cannot take a disagreement personally, you cannot react with childish name-calling, nor can you solely judge someone based on a comment made in class.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness is correct! I hated that book more than you... As for the comment on Friday, I do not agree with the 'disgusting' comment. But I do believe the student was out of line, as she is a lot of the time.

The way people present themselves in class is a valid indicator of the type of person they are. Why else would they act a certain way if it is not who they are? We're not going to get along with many of our peers anyway, but the least we can do is be respectful and mindful of our manners.

Anonymous said...

Comment from the "disgusting poster"

Immature? Yes. Hidden behind a shroud of anonmity? Yes. Me in the same Crim Law section as the incident? NO. Know which girl I called disgusting? NO.

Sorry if I offended anyone, I was just trying to stick up for my friend Nate (Mr. Green) when it appears (from the blogs) that he was yelled at or something in class.

I don't even have that same Crim section or know which girl everyone was talking about. I hope I didn't offend her.

I have to admit, it was fun seeing this level of responses though, the blogs have been pretty tame lately.

Anonymous said...

I agree. It's not "just one comment" from class, I think she has demonstrated her intolerance of other people's views many times over in the course of this semester. I think it is good to have passionate beliefs, but it is not good to be so antagonistic and narrow-minded to the point that you cannot even tolerate what other people may think.

Anonymous said...

I'm actually a little sad that we won't have another few weeks of crim, because I'm pretty sure that the recent trend of getting personal would only worsen. While I may get a bit frustrated with some people in class, I think it would be hysterical to see an intelligent debate completely break down into "well, you're stupid." "No you're stupid." Just guaging on the last two days i.e. the Moe/Walker debate (I got $20 on John) and the Green/Goveia squabble, I have a feeling that there are a few more people with some pent up anger from earlier in the semester to let loose. I guess that I'm just a little sad that we won't get to see it happen.

Anonymous said...

There's always next semester!

Anonymous said...

I happen to really like the persons on both sides of our little crim law outburst. I've gotten more than a little passionate in class on several occasions; I'm fairly certain that doesn't make me a bad person. You can never read into what is going on in situations such as that. Perhaps they got into an argument in the jury room, perhaps someone said something that hit a sore spot... you just can't tell. It is a stressful time in the semester, and a lot of us are touchier than usual. Let's go easy on one another.